Our mission is building, managing and maintaining the best of class Cyber Operations Center that leads nationwide.
The 66th Legislative Assembly passed Senate Bill No. 2110 set the requirement that NDIT advise, oversee, and regulate cybersecurity strategy for all state executive branch agencies. The department is required to consult with the Attorney General and the legislative and judicial branches regarding cybersecurity strategy.
Security Goal
Protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of systems and data for the State of North Dakota.
Security Best Practices
- Adware
- Compromised Computer Symptoms
- Deepseek Application Blocked on State Devices
- Firewalls
- Home Computer Protection
- International Traveler Guidelines
- Malicious Code Protection
- Mobile Computing Security
- Multi-Function Print Devices
- Patching
- Phishing
- Protecting Your Information
- Remote Access
- Security Breaches
- Social Engineering
- Spyware
- Unauthorized Data Disclosure
- User IDs and Passwords
- Wireless
For more tips and resource go to www.DefeND.nd.gov
Security Awareness
- Security Awareness Tutorial
- Cyber Threat Level Indicator
- Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC)
- United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
- National Cyber Security Alliance
- Microsoft Safety and Security Center
Security Officers
Securing IT resources within ND state government requires collaboration among stakeholders. In accordance with the Incident Prevention/Response/Notification Standard, each customer of NDIT shall designate an agency contact. That person, known as the agency's Security Officer, becomes part of a proactive group that communicates and corrects security incidents and vulnerabilities.
The primary communication channels used is the Security Officer's ListServ. For confidentiality reasons, membership to the list is managed by NDIT. Customers may join the Security Officer's Listserv by sending an enrollment request along with their name, agency name, phone number, and email address to itdsecur@nd.gov.
Password Changes
NDIT uses a challenge-question process to verify the identity of anyone requesting a password change. Individuals are required to complete an Online Password Information Form or provide the Service Desk with a Password Change Information Form (SFN52378) before NDIT can reset their password.