People, Process, Technology
The People, Process, Technology Framework is used to assess and improve organizational performance. It works on the premise that organizations are made of three elements: people, processes, and technology.
To achieve success, NDIT strives to create a balance between these three elements.
Three keys to people success:
- Skills: People with the right skills, experience, and attitude for the job at hand.
- Communication: There’s no such thing as over-communication
- Relationship Building and Buy-in: Relationships with stakeholders.
- Understand the fit: People should understand the process..
- Start at the beginning: It’s important to take a step back and identify first steps.
- Measure it twice: Organizations need to consider what metrics to track.
- Review: It’s important to set a consistent schedule to review progress toward your goals.
- Technology use cases: People need to understand how the technology will make it easier for them.
- Knowledge transfer: Training is essential to ensure that people understand how to use the technology.
- Keep it simple: Too much too soon can overwhelm people and compromise the technology’s efficiency.
- NDIT and Department Public Instruction collaborated with Microsoft Teals to provide leadership for the Ft. Yates Middle School Hour of Code event that included cultural connections and resources focused on computer science/cybersecurity. School administration and staff worked with EduTech, Microsoft TEALS and ND DPI to provide coding activities to each grade level, highlighting cultural facets and indigenous connections to CS and Cyber.
The Cyber Madness team was recognized for developing and delivering the first-of-its-kind high school state championship for cybersecurity and creating valuable opportunities for our students and future workforce to explore the cybersecurity industry. Cyber Madness is a joint effort of NDCTE, the Department of Public Instruction, EduTech and North Dakota Information Technology.
- Tribal partnerships began with NDCA including United Tribes Technical College and the Northern Plains Oyate in 2019. The Native American Development Center and First People’s Fund of South Dakota partnered with NDCA to host “Train the Trainers”, a program geared to Native artists to provide leadership and administrative training in February 2022.
- The website, Find the Good Life, in North Dakota was refreshed and is the latest talent attraction and marketing campaign dedicated to informing people outside of North Dakota about job opportunities and quality of life, with an emphasis on connecting people to opportunities in rural areas. The website now includes a relocation help desk that provides a personalized relocation assistance service for prospective residents.
- The Attorney General’s office in collaboration with NDIT made several changes and additions to the ND Sex Offender Website to allow for easier searching and use by the public.
- The second annual IgniteND conference took place in June 2022, partnering with ND Department of Public Instruction and Bismarck State College. This 3-day conference was an opportunity for educators, administrators and technology coordinators to engage on 21st century education topics – including CS and Cybersecurity as foundational for success in our global, digital economy. The conference also provided educators the opportunity to qualify for the CS/Cybersecurity credential.
- Multiple states have joined the Joint Cybersecurity Operations Command Center (J-CSOC), providing the ability for rapid exchange of threat intel, collaboration and team work regarding indicators of compromise. Held first ever national multi-state tabletop exercise with state members.
- In late fall 2021, schools requested NDIT to assist in providing students and teachers with Digital Citizenship tools. EduTech teamed up with the ND Bureau of Criminal Investigation to create a Digital Citizenship program. Topics include Cyber Bullying, Cybersecurity, Sexting, the Law involving Minors, and how students can get help. From Launch date of Nov. 4, 2021 - June 30, 2022, this program has already positively impacted 2,780 students, 200 educators in 26 schools, 21 districts.
- Tourism enhanced to improve the functionality of the website and the partner portal for the state partners.
- Automated the End User Compute & Collaboration process of surplussing tagged computer equipment.
- The End User Compute & Collaboration team was streamlined into four key service areas: Hardware Services, Incident Management, Project & Process Improvement, and Collaboration Technologies.
- Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DOCR) and NDIT implemented a AI data warehouse to store old electronic medical record data for archival purposes as part of the system transition to MyAvatar. This allowed efficient data storage as well as accessibility.
- The eHealth Exchange framework and Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), and private partners collaborated to exchange health patient information. NDHIN participating healthcare providers can now securely query a patient’s medical history from both DoD and VA facilities.
- The ND Health Care Directive Registry is an easily accessible electronic location to store health care directive records. It is also available anywhere, no matter where the patient is located. The ND Health Care Directive Registry gives the patient access to their record wherever they have need.
- The ND Vision Service allows scanned documents to digital records to be retrieved within minutes vs searching through paper files and boxes. Internal records had been in paper format for 60+ years and were degraded with time. With this project complete documents, news clippings, and student information is now stored in a digital archive. This information set is backed up and available upon request.
- NDIT worked with Commerce to build webforms, create redirects, and establish new processes within the new website. Since the launch of the website on May 24, 2022 to July 27, 2022, traffic has increased by 475%. Pageviews have also increased by 262%.
- NDIT worked with the Aeronautics commission to improve data accuracy by cross referencing multiple databases to ensure the accuracy of data utilized in aircraft registration database (AIMS) better quality decision making by program administrators.
- NDIT developed a seasonal influenza predictive model for ND Department of Health (DOH) to help predict magnitude and timing of influenza activity.
- NDIT developed a public-facing data dashboard for ND Rent Help (DHS administered), displaying current program metrics.
- NDIT implemented changes to utilize the Electronic Document Exchange (EDE) which allows Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Support staff to exchange electronic documents with their counterparts in other states.
- NDIT integrated an Organizational Change Management framework into Major IT Processes. The governor's office, in conjunction with the Change Management Executive Steering Committee, set the goal of ensuring that all major IT projects would be utilizing a structured change management approach by the end of 2022.
- The Department of Human Services Division of Child and Family Services (CFS) provides critical and complex services to North Dakota families in need. To help CFS track a wide variety of important indicators, NDIT’s Data Science and Analytics Team built a self-service dashboard that allows staff to check over 50 different essential data points for any desired date range needed. This dashboard provides the ability to select values to further break down details such as county subtotals, age groups, and client counts. Organizing dozens of reports into a central location through this project greatly enhanced staff ability to access important data points.
- NDIT launches the first state-developed digital credential publishing application for high school transcripts as a verifiable credential. It allows any high school graduate to present their transcript to an educational institution or employer digitally. Users of the technology can have all their degrees, certifications, badges and skills located in one accessible and secure location.
- NDIT installed Wifi to upgrade infrastructure at ND State Pen to enhance services within the facility. NDIT also completed the security upgrades to HRCC buildings to include door access, control system, camera system and key control systems.
- NDIT oversaw the successful implementation of the Game and Fish’s electronic posting system. Provide sportsmen tools and technologies to facilitate communications and hunting access.
- NDIT supported the website build for gaming distributors to enter their tax information and gaming purchases.
- NDIT and the ND Department of Transportation created one central location for DOT staff and public to access information about structures.
- NDIT installed and replaced network cabling, network racking, wireless access points and switches for Public Libraries.
- NDIT worked with BND and Chase to establish a program which allows banks and credit unions to submit payments for their assessments and various application fees electronically via ACH. Approximately 17% of financial institutions submitted their assessment payments electronically for the June 2022 period.
- NDIT performed a Quarterly Pen test of BND’s environment to discover exploitable vulnerabilities.
- NDIT investigated, piloted, and installed cost effective technology replacements for interactive video equipment within courtrooms and court facilities. Old equipment was approaching end of life.
- School for the Deaf- NDIT improved on-campus wifi and upgraded on/off campus equipment for the School for the Deaf, as needed, to help better serve the deaf/hard of hearing.
- EduTech partnered with ND Department of Public Instruction to announce ClassLink as a statewide tool. ClassLink increases security by creating personalized single sign-on dashboards for each student and teacher to connect to the tools they use - on any device. Classlink will improve security, classroom efficiency, distance learning and parent supports.
- NDIT worked with ND Department of Transportation to upgrade the Driver’s License Online Services and Motor Vehicle web applications to the new Legend webservices. This change moves the applications databases off the mainframe.
- Banking Portal- ND Department of Financial Institutions has been working with NDIT since 2017 on the development of a new records management system and banking portal. The records management system replaced their outdated system that was no longer supported. The banking portal allows the state-chartered banks, trust companies, and credit unions to securely submit applications, annual forms, and semi-annual assessments electronically.
- Cloud Smart- Data utilization starts with infrastructure. NDIT will choose the right cloud solution that best aligns with the needs of the State and our customers; whether that be public cloud, private cloud, or software as a service in the cloud. Today, we see continuous movement towards Platform as a Service, Software as a Service, rather than moving solutions to the cloud as-is.
- Automation- Through a variety of collaborative efforts, NDIT has automated over 6M minutes of work for all State Platforms as well as specific automations for NDIT and HHS with Robotic Process Automation. Currently in discovery and planning phase with Veteran’s Affairs to automate a manual process of taking information from forms and updating in an unrelated website.
- SIRN- Tower Count Increasing from 45 to 150 and 1 additional technician has been added per region of the state to support tower growth.
The North Dakota Information Technology Cybersecurity Team has worked tirelessly to protect and defend the State of North Dakota from adversaries that would do us harm.
- 2022 year-to-date, the cybersecurity team has:
- Defended against more than 4,000,000 malware, phishing, and spam messages.
- Prevented or detected 822,000,000 network threats.
- Investigated over 2,000,000 security alerts.
- Resolved over 51,000 security incidents.
- Provided over 25 Emerging Threat Briefings to State Stakeholders.
- 21,000 KnowBe4 licenses were allocated to Partners on StageNet.
- They have been part of strategic initiatives including:
- Facilitating cybersecurity workforce development by creating a cybersecurity apprenticeship through the Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship program.
- Developing a Whole-of-State Cybersecurity Plan and creating a statewide Task Force to prioritize the use of $2.2M in funds available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
- Improving cybersecurity collaboration with other states by growing membership of the Joint-Cyber Security Operations Center (J-CSOC) to 11 states across the nation.
- Expanding our security services to more of our State, K12, and Political Subdivision customers including a 36% increase in coverage of Advanced Endpoint Protection software.