North Dakota BEAD Application Now LIve - Apply Today. Closes January 17, 2025

Broadband for all, Broadband for life

Consumers need reliable and fast broadband services for communications, education, entertainment, remote access to work and many more services. Businesses rely on broadband services for online retail, telehealth, system monitoring and reporting, financial transactions, marketing, supply chain management, the list goes on and on. The public sector uses broadband for everything from public safety to education to communications and community engagement to running today’s Federal/State/County/Municipal infrastructures.​

​We are proud to have been successful in making North Dakota a state-of-the-art place to live by implementing STAGEnet which focused in bringing 1G services to all public sector anchor tenant locations with the ability to scale to 100G service as needed.

This includes:​

  • All County Courthouses
  • All School Districts​
  • All Higher Education Campuses​
  • All State Government Buildings​


… But we still have a way to go. We know there are still unserved and underserved populations in North Dakota that desperately need attention. With the Grant dollars NDIT has received and expect to receive from the Federal government we are confident we can continue to make progress in providing every address in North Dakota the broadband service it needs for the 21st century and beyond.

Reports and Videos: 


photo collage of people interacting with technology and connecting with others

North Dakota be legendary logo, broadband USA logo, Internet for all logo

Medium - This covers a comprehensive list of financial assistance and Internet Service programs for eligible families and individuals. This guide provides details on national programs that benefit fixed- and low-income individuals and businesses, by providing heavily discounted internet service and/or free computers. With the use of technology and internet connection being an essential utility for all, we hope this guide will be helpful for your community that are being affected financially.



Map of North Dakota

  • 19th largest state in terms of land area​

    • 70,000+ square miles​

  • 3rd smallest in terms of population​

  •   < 800,000 residents​

  • Rankings:​

    • Top 10 for internet access by US News and World Report​

    • #4 ranking for overall infrastructure​

    • Leads the nation for quality of life​

  • 75+% citizens have access to Gigabit services​

    • 325+ communities​

  • STAGEnet:  All public section anchor tenant locations have a minimum of 1G and can acquire 100G if required. (All County Court Houses, School Districts, Higher Education Campuses, State Government Buildings)​

    • 1st state to achieve 1Gb/s service delivered to every K-12 district​

  • Less than 10,000 serviceable addresses that cannot acquire 1G service​

  • 95.4% of North Dakotan’s have access to 100Mb or greater


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Categories: Broadband, Feature Stories, Other

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