
BEAD Application Process

NDIT is implementing a competitive process to identify and select eligible providers and projects for BEAD grant funding allocation. This process, outlined in Volume II of North Dakota’s Initial Proposal, will require prospective subgrantees to submit information regarding locations of proposed project areas in additional to various documents, data and information to address program requirements. This information will be scored according to the scoring rubric documented in Volume II.

North Dakota WebGrants Portal


Once the BEAD Challenge Process results are certified by NTIA, NDIT will announce the start date of the BEAD subgrantee selection process. This will begin with a pre-application process, during which eligible providers will indicate the locations they are interested in serving. NDIT will then release the initial application round. During this phase, NDIT will solicit applications, deconflict those with overlapping locations, and request updated information, as needed. This process will be repeated until no unclaimed locations remain. NDIT will score applications and notify successful subgrantees of award determination. 

North Dakota BEAD Subgrantee Selection Target Timeline

North Dakota BEAD Subgrantee Selection Target Timeline
