

To guarantee backup copies of data are created so that data availability and retention objectives are satisfied.


  1. Agencies must review their data and identify backup requirements.
  2. Backup procedures, frequencies and retention are defined, documented and must adhere to Continuum of Government guidelines.
  3. At the completion of each scheduled backup, logs must be checked and verified to ensure successful data backup has occurred.
  4. Offsite storage of backup media is required.
  5. Backups must be tested periodically to validate recoverability.


Backup Procedures - Documented procedures that identify the backup process.


Each agency or designated custodian ensures backup of data on a regular basis to minimize data loss.


This standard applies to all executive branch state agencies including the University Systems Office but excluding other higher education institutions, i.e. campuses and agricultural and research centers.

Statement of Commitment

North Dakota's CIO/CTO directs that IT Policy be created to establish statewide information technology policies and standards as defined within ND Century Code (Chapter 54-59-09).


Non-compliance with this standard shall be reported to the Office of the State Auditor.


  1. State and Federal record retention schedules.
  2. Continuum of Government Guidelines.

Revision Number: 1
Revision Date: 2004-07-05
Effective Date: 2004-07-05
Last Reviewed: 2024-09-13
Number: POL0020224