What is Managed Print Services?
HP's Managed Print services is now live as of July 1st, 2023! NDIT will assist supported agencies in enrolling any existing networked printers/copiers & work with any new additions to the agencies fleet by enrolling them into printer services directly from industry-leading HP. Managed Print Service will reduce customer stress by directly monitoring and tracking usage for automated toner delivery, reduce costs and provide expert support for trouble-shooting. This is a MANDATORY service for all End User Compute's supported agencies.
This service will monitor current toner levels within supported printers and drop-ship replacement cartridges once the current reaches a certain level of toner left in the current.
The service will also provide an HP asset tag along with a support number that will empower users to call HP directly for any troubleshooting that needs to be done as well as dispatch techs to locations for onsite support.
What do I need to know right now?
NDIT is shifting agencies to Managed Print Services with Hewlett Packard (HP). Agencies can enroll their devices now. The intent is to have most agencies that receive End User Compute & Collaborate Services (Desktop Support) from NDIT integrated by July 1, 2023.
For more information on Managed Print, check out this Knowledge Base Article.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this be a required service for Unified agencies and/or Desktop as a service?
This service will be available to opt in for any unified or Desktop as a Service agency. Next biennium, this service will be a requirement.
What does this service cost?
This depends on how many printers will be added to the individual agency fleet, what the volume of printing the agency does on those individual printers, and if it’s still a supported device by HP’s standards. NDIT will help provide a cost per page breakdown on individual printers being included with the service.
We have printers under a service contract with Marco/ABM/Fireside. Will HP managed print cover these printers as well?
Large scale copier\scanners that are under a current maintenance contract can remain on that contract and re-upped when current lease expires. Networked HP printers that are under maintenance contract can remain on the contract until it expires, then should be moved under MPS.
We have local printers that are currently not networked. Will these be included with managed print?
If you have a local printer that you’d like to be networked and included on the service, please submit a ticket to the EUCC team to assist with getting the printer online. Otherwise, non-networked printers can be added to managed print services as “toner only”. Meaning the only services HP can provide on those printers is toner only. The agency will receive a specialized price for that toner that is needed, but will need to be ordered manually from HP. Non-networked printers can also be serviced by HP, however, this would incur a separate charge.
Will agencies under managed print still have the ability to purchase printers directly while also including that new printer on managed print?
Once enrolled into MPS, agencies will work directly with HP and/or HP resellers (RTI, ABM, Marco, and Fireside) to purchase new printers that meet the MPS model requirements. NDIT will need to be engaged to get that printer onto the network.
Does this service include any recommendations on printer consolidation?
Yes! Once an agency decides to onboard with the service, HP can help provide consolidation and recommendations based off existing and future printing needs. They even offer onsite consolidation helping map out where agencies are doing the most printing and recommend printer models based off that data.
How does the drop shipping work for toner?
For printers that are on the service, once the printer toner reaches 15%, an order will automatically be placed to be shipped directly to where that printer is located. NDIT will help identify points of contact internal to those agencies to be sure it gets sent to the correct location. It is imperative that as soon as toner is received by and end user, they make it a point to swap toner immediately. Not swapping out new toner cartridges will result in additional toner being sent to that specific printer, which will result in additional charges.
Automatic Toner Replenishment Information
NOTE - The only items that ship automatically are the toner cartridges and drums (if applicable). All other items, including the waste/toner collection bins, rollers, etc... need to be manually requested by reporting the issue to HP.
Should I stock up on toner?
No, please keep your ink cartridge supplies to a minimum prior to the enrollment to the program. E.g. keep one ink cartridge, but not four ink cartridges. Do your best to plan for using up your current toner prior to enrollment.
I have a stock of toner that was purchased before managed print. Will HP be buying out existing toner before sending new cartridges on the service?
No. HP is not able to buy back existing stockpiles of toner. Please try to deplete the stockpile (not ordering additional stock). If you still have toner on hand for a printer that has been enrolled, you will need to replace the cartridge before the toner hits 15% (which triggers an auto shipment) The agency can monitor toner levels through the HP EDP Portal to effectively manage using up the existing stock. Knowledge Base Article Managed Print Services (MPS)
What printer models will NDIT/HP recommend as potential replacements?
NDIT is working with HP to provide the right models for all of our supported agencies. Soon, NDIT will have a standard list of printers published on the ServiceNow Desktop Hardware request page along with a guide on how to choose a printer model. If an agency’s needs for a printer is outside of this standard scope, we will work with HP in finding a compatible printer for the need.
How does an agency onboard with HP Managed Print?
If an agency is interested in joining, reach out to the NDIT End User Computer & Collaboration Team. NDIT will then meet with end agencies to discuss their current printer fleet to provide a cost-per-page analysis. Once and agreement is reached, printers will be added to the list of printers on the service. HP will provide individual asset tags for the printers within the fleet depending on the level of service that is agreed upon.