NDIT offers enterprise service level contracted, customized, 24/7 Tier-1 support to agencies as an alternative to managing their own internal service desks.
Government entities are finding that even though they provide unique services, they share commonalities when it comes to supporting their customers. The philosophy of an enterprise service desk is to blend people, process, and technology in a way that efficiently and effectively supports customers.
- People
- An enterprise service desk allows for the widest window of coverage using the most efficient level of staffing. It leverages the skills of customer-centric analysts to log, categorize, prioritize, and in some cases resolve incidents; thus freeing more technically focused staff from constant interruptions and reprioritization of work. Customers also love having a single point of contact to report problems, ask questions, request information, and provide feedback.
- Process
- A common framework for incident management has been adopted from the industry "best practices" published within the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). The enterprise process manages incidents throughout their life-cycle; even if they cross agency boundaries. Guidelines have been adopted for common components, such as categorization and prioritization. Service Level Objectives have been defined to help manage customer expectations. Key Performance Indicators are collected to measure results across the enterprise.
- Technology
- A toolset for managing incidents across the enterprise has been implemented. Incidents may be transferred from one business unit to another, yet data can be secured to meet the requirements of each agency. By sharing hardware components, software licensing, and administrative resources, a feature-rich system is obtainable at an affordable price.
Requesting Service
Contact NDIT's Service Desk to discuss your options or arrange a demonstration.
Existing Customers
Organizations everywhere are overhauling their support structures. Gone are the days of the helpless desk. Today, service is strategic.
As a result, an enterprise approach towards support has emerged within the State of North Dakota. Today, NDIT extends its Tier-1 support service to a variety of government functions, including:
- Desktop and application support for the Department of Human Services
- Desktop and application support for the Department of Public Instruction
- Desktop and application support for the Bank of North Dakota
- Desktop and application support for the Job Service North Dakota
- Application support for ConnectND Enterprise Resources Planning, in conjunction with the Office of Management and Budget and the ND Public Employee Retirement System
- Application support for Criminal Justice Information Sharing (CJIS), in conjunction with the Office of the Attorney General, State Courts, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, ND State's Attorneys, and law enforcement agencies statewide
- Support for e-government application authentication and "Contact Us" questions from the North Dakota Web Portal
- Directory support for citizens calling the North Dakota State Capitol switchboard at 701 328-2000