

Records will be migrated to ensure business continuity and to meet business and regulatory requirements.


State agencies must migrate electronic records to a format that can be accessed with available technology without the loss of information.


Access - Easily locate, view and use.

Record - Document, book, paper, photograph, sound recording or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official business.


Stored records will be migrated as necessary to ensure access when needed.


This standard applies to all executive branch state agencies including the University Systems Office but excluding other higher education institutions, i.e. campuses and agricultural and research centers.

Statement of Commitment

North Dakota's CIO/CTO directs that IT Policy be created to establish statewide information technology policies and standards as defined within ND Century Code (Chapter 54-59-09).


Non-compliance with this standard shall be reported to the Office of the State Auditor.

Revision Number: 2
Revision Date: 2017-03-21
Effective Date: 2004-06-20
Last Reviewed: 2024-09-13
Number: POL0020029