Welcome to the SIEC
Welcome to the North Dakota Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee website, your source for SIEC, FirstNet, and SIRN 20/20 events and information.
FirstNet in the News!
The National Telecommunications And Information Administration awarded funds to the State of North Dakota as part of second round of grants in support of the FirstNet program. Funding is intended to support ND FirstNet in coordinating FirstNet needs with the State's public safety community at the local, regional, and State level. For more details on the grant, please visit the NTIA below link.
NTIA State and Local Implementation Grant Program 2.0
Mission Statement
The Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) will oversee interoperable communications throughout the state of North Dakota. As charged by the sixty-fifth legislature, it will monitor and, through recommendations, guide the implementation of the statewide interoperable radio network. The committee shall prepare recommendations regarding a statewide integrated radio system with due consideration for all stakeholders reliant upon a radio communication system. It will also monitor and facilitate the use of appropriate state wireless spectrum used for public safety to ensure interoperable communications.
Welcome to the North Dakota Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee, sometimes known as the SIEC. As a guiding committee established to improve public safety communications across the State of North Dakota, our members are committed to the representative and collaborative promotion of interoperable communications statewide.
Officially established by Governor Jack Dalrymple on September 14, 2012 under Executive Order 2012-10, the Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee, or SIEC, was envisioned as a collaboration among representatives from state agencies and responder groups from across North Dakota counties, townships and cities for the purpose of continually improving effective communication between emergency first responders, emergency management personnel and other emergency service providers critical for federal, state and local governments during an emergency.
During the 63rd Legislative Assembly, the Legislature codified the work of the SIEC, establishing the Committee as a permanent body under NDCC 37-17.3-02.1. with a diverse membership under the premise that a statewide integrated radio communication system will more effectively serve the goals of law enforcement and emergency response personnel and thereby better serve the people of North Dakota.
The 65th Legislative Assembly continued to mature the make up of the committee, adding three new members, including representatives from the House and Senate as well as adding the ND Indian Affairs Commission to the panel in order to ensure inclusion across all aspects of North Dakota public safety, planning, procurement, and operations.
The membership of the SIEC includes a diverse body of representatives from across the State as well as key state agencies, important to the daily operation, maintenance and support of current and future radio communications within North Dakota.
- North Dakota 911 Association
- North Dakota Adjutant General
- North Dakota Department of Emergency Services, State Radio Director’s Office
- North Dakota Department of Emergency Services, Division of Homeland Security
- North Dakota Department of Transportation
- North Dakota Emergency Management Association
- North Dakota Emergency Medical Services Association
- North Dakota Fire Chiefs Association
- North Dakota Highway Patrol (Current Chair)
- North Dakota Chief Information Officer/Information Technology Department (Current Vice Chair)
- North Dakota Police Chiefs Association
- North Dakota Peace Officers Association
- North Dakota Sheriff's and Deputies Association
- North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission
- North Dakota Game and Fish
- North Dakota Department of Health
- North Dakota League of Cities
- North Dakota Association of Counties
- North Dakota Legislative Assembly, House of Representatives
- North Dakota Legislative Assembly, Senate
The SIEC Chair and Vice Chair are elected by the Committee to serve two year terms. The current Chairperson is the representative of the North Dakota Emergency Medical Services Association, with the representative from the North Dakota Information Technology serving as Vice-Chair.
Earlier this year, the North Dakota Legislative Assembly provided enabling legislation that was a major step to begin the process of shaping and advancing public safety communications in our State. It allows the SIEC to collectively transition from studying the viability of implementing a statewide solution to begin down the path of executing the vision. The SIEC felt incumbent to first respond to key feedback that was gathered during the study, whereby the stakeholder community very clearly articulated; 1) a clear intent to engage and be part of the process, and 2) intent to be part of the solution and 3) the necessity of local communities having a voice in how the solution is built and managed. In response to that feedback, the SIEC unanimously approved and stood up a comprehensive governing organization.
In the past six months, the SIEC successfully stood up a SIRN focused subcommittee and sponsored the stand up of eight Coordinated Regional Interoperability Boards across the State, to include election of officers and initiation of meetings.
Governance Program Guide (updated February 7, 2020)
Coordinated Regional Interoperability Boards
Northeast | Northwest | Southwest | Southeast |
Benson | Bottineau | Adams | Barnes |
Cavalier | Burke | Billings | Cass |
Eddy | Divide | Bowman | Dickey |
Foster | McHenry | Burleigh | Kidder |
Grand Forks | McKenzie | Dunn | LaMoure |
Griggs | McLean | Emmons | Logan |
Nelson | Mountrail | Golden Valley | McIntosh |
Pembina | Renville | Grant | Ransom |
Pierce | Sheridan | Hettinger | Richland |
Ramsey | Three Affiliated Tribes | Mercer | Sargent |
Rolette/Turtle Mountain | Ward | Morton | Stutsman |
Steele | Williams | Oliver | |
Towner | Sioux | ||
Traill | Slope | ||
Walsh | Stark | ||
Wells |
SIRN Subcommittee
- 2 members from each regional board for eight total
- 4 members appointed by the SIEC
Public Meetings
Currently the SIEC meets once a month to discuss relevant topics, review the progress of the FirstNet and SIRN initiatives and confer on matters affecting the interoperability of public safety communications across the State of North Dakota. Meeting agendas are posted on the State’s Public Notice Website.
The Coordinated Regional Interoperability Board and SIRN Subcommittee are in the process of establishing normal meeting times and dates but can also be found on the State’s Public Notice Website.
Search link and terms: North Dakota Public Meeting Notices Quick Entity/Governing Body Search
- For SIEC and SIRN Subcommittee: interoperability executive committee
- For Regional Boards: regional interoperability board