Students and educators across the state showcased the innovative ways North Dakota schools are engaging students with computer science and cybersecurity to improve learning and beyond, continuing the goal of “Every Student. Every School. Cyber Educated.” The EduTech event is held each biennium providing K-12 schools an opportunity to showcase their uses of educational technology in the classroom during the North Dakota Legislative Assembly.

“Having technology instruction in our classrooms is as important as teaching mathematics, reading, and writing. Our students and their families understand this, and our legislators grasp its significance for the future of North Dakota and its young people. I am especially gratified by the support we’ve seen so far for HB1398, the result of thorough collaboration among our lawmakers and education stakeholders, which would integrate instruction in computer science and cybersecurity in our schools in grades kindergarten through 12,” said Kirsten Baesler, North Dakota state school superintendent. “This bill is critical to ensuring our students are prepared for a future in which almost every job, almost every task, will require familiarity with technology, both how to use it and how to safeguard ourselves against potential abuse from it.
Schools presenting at the showcase were Alexander Public School, Barnes County North Public School, Beach High School, Heart River Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Missouri Ridge School, Red River High School, Washington Elementary, and Williston Trinity Christian School.
Teams were invited to submit a proposal on the technology usage they would like to highlight, then screened and selected according to a list of criteria which includes topic, best practices, and current trends in education technology. "This event celebrates North Dakota's educators as they have broken down barriers in order to prepare their students to shine by showing how learning is exponentially magnified through educational technology tools. These educators truly understand the "why" computer science and cybersecurity are critical to our collective future. We are proud to support educational technology in North Dakota" states, Tabitha Teel, EduTech manager of professional learning and outreach.
Sponsors of the event are ClassLink, BAND (Broadband Association of North Dakota) and Microsoft.